Betta Wool Handlers Pty Ltd purchased the building in 1985 and used the Hall as a storage site for 32 years. The facade was restored by Betta in 1987, at which time the Hall was blocked off from public access, and the foyer was leased to Cobweb Craft.
So, for the past 35 years, most people, both locals and visitors to the town, had never seen the Hall, or realised that the Malachi was once a community focus for cinema and dances.
When we purchased the building in October 2017, our priority was to tackle the invasive ivy, make some urgent repairs and demolish the wall to reveal the Hall once more.
Ivy roots were inside the Hall. Apparently projectionist and past-owner Herb David fell through the ceiling… and survived to tell the tale! The weatherboards had seen better days It took a month of Sundays to pull all this ivy down! Where do you start!?
Stay tuned to follow the story of the Hall’s ‘revival’!